Firms, as you know them today, were created in history by families. In the past the whole family did some certain activity for living. The life priority was family and work was „only“ a tool how to make living and survive. Thus families were active in farming or different crafts. Capitalism brought the focus on individuality which created totally different set of values. But even capitalism is based on the power of families even no school really teaches this.

Family Firm

Family Firm

Reasons why are different, but one is pretty obvious: people as individuals are very easy to manipulate, easier than whole big and strong families. And therefore the powerful ones of this time still build strong families. They build dynasties, clans but push others to become independent individuals. Historically there is no difference between family and firm. They both have the same energies. If you have family business, then let me congratulate you from my heart. Because thus you build your power based on natural forces (Square of Serenity) and they can support you in your business (which is their natural purpose anyway). If you have your business or you manage some kind of company then set it the same way you would set your own family. Family energy comes from so-called Gua 3 which is a kind of energy that gives you power to start well and continuously develop your natural talent. It also give you opportunity to base your activities on something that has been already created so you do not have to start from scratch. When you look at the Square of Serenity (see also our past issues of HAPPYWEEK) you will see that family energy (Gua 3) is on so-called level of man and his development – from the past through present to future that fulfils you, brings you happiness. The more family energy you use in your business the more power you will have to create strong future for your business. Do not forget however that family energy works only, if relations among all family members work well. It means you must have good relationship within your team. That is way good team is so essential for business success.

Source: HAPPYWEEK 153 – download it for FREE HERE