Many people still want huge material wealth. Even today‘s society support material abundance. Rich people are considered as more important and often creates so-called elite. There is nothing wrong about creating abundance in life. In a way it is natural law. Everything in nature grows and expands. But everything has it „healthy“ limit. Unfortunately people do not take it into consideration when they build their life.

People very often succumb one of seven deadly sins: gluttony. In the sphere of abundance it means they never have enough. They want more and more. However in nature there is law of balance. If there is too much of something, the power comes and establishes new balance. What was too many is not too many anymore. People still try to get away from natural laws and avoid them. That is why there is still bigger and bigger wealth cumulation among fewer and fewer people. According to some sources only 53 men and 6 women own property worth of half of all property on our planet. Fifty nine people own what is equal of what is owned by half of all people. Some sources say that 1% of all people owns 97% of all property on this planet. It such a huge extreme that it is very clear the natural correction will come. Human beings are sitting on top of huge volcano that is going either explode at once or it is going to get of the pressure step by step. Explosion of such a volcano would lead to enormous catastrophe that could destroy all population. But there is another possibility: step by step correction. This correction will be supported by current millennium energies. During the 3rd millennium there is shift between Yin and Yang energies. On the western hemisphere Yin (material property) energies are getting lower and Yang (spiritual) energies stronger. The values of society could start changing. This five us huge opportunity for qualitative change and life improvement. Big wealth cumulation led to low spiritual energies. People might be more rich (outside) but inside they are empty, poor. This imbalance could be corrected. Maybe you also noticed increasing interest in spirituality, spiritual teachings, religions etc. Just look at you book store. If you compare the number of spiritual books today compared to what it was twenty years ago you still see big difference. Also the internet contend is changing. Prevailing business themes and how to make money easily and fast is now being changed with spiritual and self-improvement themes. Some titles connect business with spirituality. The number of people who are interested in spirituality is increasing. People who laughed at you when you mentioned spirituality just few years ago are reading spiritual books today and attend self-improvement seminars, see their gurus and etc.

Empty within?

Empty within?

hers. Also human values will change step by step. Career in big corporate companies was big dream for many MBA graduates few years ago. MBA studies were hit. Today people start leaving big international companies. Most people realize they are empty inside that leads them to psychological problems. Nr. of psychiatric patients goes up every year. That is why that also you start feeling this ongoing change and be interested in spiritual energies and values. It will help you set your solid life balance up that will give you new security and prosperity. #HAPPYWEEK