Meditation is very effective tool for mental and physical health. You should include it into your everyday activity of your soul and physical hygiene. Meditation helps your body and mind to relax. This relaxation is the key to meditation success. It allows your energy to flow freely through your body, to each single part of it, to each single cell of your body.

meditation ii

This way your body is fed and charged with energy. And as your body and mind are ONE it is important you relax both – body and mind – during the meditation. Some meditation „experts“ claim that mind relaxation means you stop thinking. But it is not possible. You cannot switch off your brain completely. You would die if you did so. Maybe it is just a mistake in translation or misunderstanding of what term „think“ means. When we say: stop thinking, we should be more precise: STOP THINKING OF CERTAIN THING, in other words: DO NOT THINK OVER AND OVER AGAIN OF ONE THING. You cannot stop thoughts but you do not have to concentrate on that one thing. You may just observe the thought and then let it go and another thought will come. Again, observe it and let go. If you do not concentrate on the certain thought it will disappear on its own. And this goes on and on. And thus you are in free flow of different thoughts without spending energy on thinking as your thoughts just come and go. And this is sufficient way how to free your mind. Just observe, feel your feelings, observe your body feel how different parts of your body get relaxed. How your energy gets in all parts of your body. Thus you will reach relaxation of both: body and mind. You will refresh your cells and your mind and body get stronger. This kind of meditation is not just relax but it is also very healthy rest.

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